Week 5 – Some Things I Think I Think (That’s My Opinion!)

Opinions are one thing I have plenty of but I really thought I’d be able to control them throughout the week. All I needed to do it slow down and insert a thoughtful pause before responding, right? This turned out to be easier in the planning stage than it was to carry out. Part of the learning here was that it took real effort to hold my tongue and/or converse without voicing my opinion. It got better throughout the week but I’m far from accomplished on this point. Once again a work in progress. And progress I will.

Sometimes I was half-way through asserting my opinion before I realized I had crossed that line. I got a little chuckle out of how quickly it happened without me thinking about it. At first I didn’t want to stop. My opinions are good and they’re well thought out, I said to myself. Then I thought, isn’t that an opinion? Hmmmm…Even funnier was how I later tried to backtrack off my opinions once I realized what I had done. It didn’t help but it was funny.

Inner Battle

My reactions were much more constructive in other cases. Soon I was able to control my visceral responses when circumstances may have prompted an animated response full of my thoughts on a multitude of matters. A look, a wry grin or sometimes a constructive redirection of the conversation all did wonders. Then it hit me; how much mental and physical energy had I wasted voicing and debating my opinions and those of others? To what end? Those conversations, whether personal, work related, political or philosophical usually ended in predictable ways because they always followed the same patterns. I’ve found that energy is much more useful focused on positive accomplishments. I knew it in my head but that’s still an “Ah-ha” moment for me.

And another thing; when I didn’t voice my opinions those conversations changed. I asked more questions and I listened more. I started to realize the outcomes were changing too, and good ways. We might be on to something here. This is a behavior worthy of becoming a full-fledged habit so it’s staying in my quiver.

I’m excited to see the learning process in action. The progress this week was noticeable and I like it.

“If I must be a slave to habit let me be a slave to good habits.” – Og Mandino – The Greatest Salesman in the World.

Can’t wait for week 6! Giddyup!

Week 3 – Add Patience… Then Add Some More

I’ve always considered myself a patient person but have been shown over and over I could be even more patient. I’ve had some great teachers. For example my children have taught me well. Every time I thought I was a patient, understand dad, they found a way to strain my last nerve or do something completely unexpected. That education continues and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m truly blessed to have four wonderful, healthy children and I’m grateful to have such great teachers and I’ve learned to enjoy the ride. They’ve also provided me with unlimited opportunities to “be the observer” and consider my responses. Sometimes the observer gets lots of work!

The Master Keys has also shown me I can be more patient, that faster isn’t always better and that I benefit by taking the time to focus and energize my readings. In The Greatest Salesman in the World, Og Mandino writes, “…I must practice the art of patience for nature never acts in haste.” And so I practice. I get the notion we never reach perfection in this area but I can certainly be better…a lot better. And so I am.

I noticed myself rushing through when reading Scroll 1 in TGSITW and then I came upon that sentence about practicing patience. I’ve read this chapter over seventy times before but this time it was like I could hear a car, breaks locked, screeching to a halt in my head. “Slow down, take it in and feel it.” the little voice said. And so I did…and Wow, it was like I’m reading a new book all over! I’ve also slowed down reading my Definite Major Purpose and my Blueprint Builder. Boy am I feeling it now. I may need a roof top to shout from sometimes!

A wise man once said, “We don’t know what we don’t know.” and I’m in the Master Keys Mastermind Alliance to learn. And learn I have. It’s been busy and I’ve had to drop some of my valued time wasters to get the work done but I’m better for it. For the first few days I tried to squeeze it all in so I could get all my assignments done. That made me rush through things and hurt my focus. Lesson learned. One of many and more to come I’m sure. Thanks to Mark J., TF Davene and their staff for being benevolent dictators. It’s what I needed when I needed it. Mahalo!